Who we are


It is a non-government, non-profitable, non-political, voluntary and charitable organization. It will perform its activities, to the best of its efforts, in the interest of the disadvantaged by medical facility communities, to provide training doctors for skill development, to provide best cardiac treatment facilities at the door step to all the people through regardless of religion, race and nation.

The vision of ROVUS BANGLADESH SOCIETY is ‘A society free from all froms of discrimination where everyone has the equitable spacee to utilize their potentiality’. The mission of ROVUS BANGLADESH SOCIETY is to provide best cardiac treatment facilities at the door step of every people of the country and to set up

cardiac medical college and hospital to educate and for bring discrimination and backwardness of the society.which is caused by disparity among people with religion, belief economic situation and race; to initiate various research’ to transfer knowledge and educaton and to promote of knowledge based socio-economic and environmental development through empowerment of the disadvantaged communities’ appropriate utilization of natural resources’ encouragement of collectiveness’ ensuring human needs with basic services’ and promotion of the country’s heritage and culture.”All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Government/Concerned authority/competent authority. Objects contrary to the provision of section 20 of the Act shall be treaved as ineffective?.



The first 07 (Seven) members Executive Committee is hereby constituted with the following members

Duties of Standing Committees:

The Membership Committee shall seek applications to increase the membership of the Centre. The Committee shall scrutinize and place it to the Executive committee to recommend and send the application to the Executive committee for final acceptance. Successful applicants will be so informed shortly after acceptance and their names shall be published for presentation to the General Membership.

The Finance Committee will take initiatives to raise the fund of the Society. The Committee will prepare a budget each year. The Publication Committee shall publish journals, bulletins, handouts, souvenirs. The Conference Committee carries out mechanisms for Society and conducting a yearly conference of the Society. The Committee in cooperation with publication Committee develops conference programmes that meet the Society, Educational, professional and cultural needs; of the Society s. The Nominating Committee will be responsible for nominating & announcement of the selected members & office bearers of the Executive committee as per selection by the majority decision and after approval of the Committee.


a) Membership fees, regular subscriptions, donations received from members of the Society, well wishes, business communities, government and non-governmental national & international Society will constitute the funds of the Society.

b) Earnings through publication of journal, booklets, newsletters, books and souvenirs will also contribute to the funds of society.

Advisory Committee

There shall be and Advisory Committee not less than 2/3 and to be nominated by the Executive Committee. It shall render advice on any matter referred to it by the Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee will try to make good use of the suggestions of the advisory

Bank Account

a) The books of accounts and other statutory books-shall be kept at the registered office and shall remain open to inspect by the members of the executive committee during usual office hours And the same shall be kept open to inspect by the members at such time and place as the executive committee directs on a written request made by any member. The accounts of the society will be audited by an audit committee/audit firm to be appointed by the general body at each AGM. or council meeting.

b) The signatory of the bank account will be Chairman and Treasurer jointly.

c) One or more bank accounts can be opened in any schedule bank to operate day to day activities of the society.


The Executive committee shall provide a common seal for the Society. The seal shall be deposited to safe custody.


Once at least in every year, the accounts of the Society shall be examined and correctness of the Balance sheet and income and expenditure accounts ascertained by any Chartered Account firm which are enlisted with the ICAB.

At an Annual General Meeting, the members shall appoint Chartered Accountant as Auditor. The remuneration of the auditor shall also be fixed by the Member at the time of appointment.


The Auditor so appointed shall have the right of access at all reasonable times, to the books of accounts of Society and shall be entitled to inquire and seek information and explanation as may be necessary from all members for performance of their duties.


The auditors shall make a written report to the member of the Executive committee with comments, if any of the Executive committee on the accounts examined by such auditor and on every Balance sheet and income and expenditure account laid before the members in Annual General Meeting during their tenure of office.


Executive committee if necessary will be able to propose recommend alteration, extension, addition, and limitation of any section, sub-section or Word of the Constitution. The same will have to approved of 3/5 presence legal members of total legal members in next Annual general meeting of the Society.

The Executive committee shall have power of making-bye laws for the smooth conduct of the business of the organization form time to time which must be passed by the General Meeting of the Organization.



If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the Same shall be handed over or transfer or given to some other institutions, having similar objectives to the objectives of Society, to be determined by the 3/5 voting of the members of the Society in the extra ordinary general meeting at or before the dissolution

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