General Meetings

a) Annual General Meeting (AGM):

  • The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each calendar year (January to December).
  • The first AGM shall be held within 15 months of the Society’s registration.
  • Not more than 15 months shall elapse between the dates of one AGM and the next.
  • The AGM shall include all members of the Society and shall be held at a time and place appointed by the Executive Committee.
  • All general meetings other than the AGM shall be referred to as Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM).
  • The Executive Committee may convene an EGM whenever deemed necessary for purposes related to the direction and management of the Society’s affairs.
  • The Management Committee shall prescribe the rules for proxy voting by members.


b) Quorum:

  • A quorum for an AGM shall consist of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total members.
  • A quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall also consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the total members.


c) National Conference:

  • The Executive Committee shall arrange a National Conference once a year.


d) Notice of General Meetings:

  • At least 14 days’ written notice shall be provided to all members for AGMs and EGMs.
  • The notice shall specify the place, date, and time of the meeting and include the agenda of business to be transacted.


e) Proceedings at General Meetings:

  • The business of the AGM shall include:
    1. Receiving and considering the report of the Executive Committee and auditors.
    2. Reviewing and approving the accounts, balance sheets, and budget.
    3. Appointing auditors and fixing their remuneration.
    4. Transacting any other business deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
  • If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the scheduled time, the meeting shall stand adjourned to another time and place.
  • At the adjourned meeting, if a quorum is still not present within 30 minutes, the members present shall constitute a quorum.
  • The Chairman of the AGM or EGM may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn the meeting. However, no business other than that specified for the adjournment shall be transacted.

Meeting of the Executive Committee

f) Executive Committee Meetings:

  • The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every three months.
  • At least seven days’ written notice shall be provided to all committee members.
  • In emergencies, the Chairman may call an Executive Committee meeting with 24 hours’ notice.
  • The presence of at least one-third of the Members and Office Bearers shall constitute a quorum.

Standing Committees of the Society

g) Standing Committees:

  • The Society shall have the following Standing Committees:
    1. Membership Committee
    2. Finance Committee
    3. Publication Committee
    4. Conference Committee
    5. Nomination Committee
    6. Advisory Committee

Composition and Appointment of Standing Committees

h) Structure of Standing Committees:


  1. Membership Committee, Publication Committee, and Conference Committee:
    • Each committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary, and at least three members appointed by the Executive Committee.
  2. Finance Committee:
    • The Treasurer shall serve as the Chairman of the Finance Committee, which shall include at least five members appointed by the Executive Committee.
