6 Part Blood Cell Conter with NRBC


Mispa HX80 is the 6 Part Hematology Analyser with 3rd Generation Technology using Nucleic Acid Fluorescence Staining + Tri Angle laser scattering with throughput up to 100 T/Hr. Unlike traditional chemistry staining reagents, our specialized fluorescent staining solution targets DNA or RNA, allowing blind dyeing that corresponds to different cell concentrations of nucleic acid. This results in a depth of dying proportional to the DNA/RNA levels – the stronger the nucleic acid presence, the more robust the fluorescent signal. Leveraging this specificity towards nucleic acid, our 3rd Generation technology is exceptionally sensitive in differentiating leukocytes, especially abnormal cells, making it an invaluable asset in clinical diagnostics.

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Mispa HX80: 6-Part Cell Counter with Advanced Technology

Discover the MispaHX80, a game-changing Automatic 6 Part cell counter, designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of blood analysis in modern laboratories. Its integration of advanced technologies like Nucleic Acid Fluorescence Staining, Flow Cytometry, and Tri-angle Laser Scatter, ensures unparalleled precision in NRBC and WBC 6-Part Differential Analysis. This analyzer is a practical solution for labs requiring high throughput and precise results, with a capacity of 100 CBC+DIFF tests per hour.


The MispaHX80’s compact design and auto loader with a 50 sample capacity make it ideal for laboratories looking to optimize space and workflow efficiency. Its minimal sample volume requirement ensures economical use of resources. The analyzer’s compatibility with Bi-directional LIS (HL7) allows for seamless integration into existing lab systems, enhancing data management and reducing manual errors.


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